Bowman Chiropractic Associates, PC of Iowa City Blog
How a Patient Inspired Me to Lose 1 Hour of Sleep…. 4 Nights a Week
How a Patient Inspired Me to Lose 1 Hour of Sleep…. 4 Nights a Week in Iowa City IA If you have ever been inspired by someone without their knowledge, then you know what I am about to talk about. Routinely I am inspired on some level by patients in my chiropractic office in Iowa…
The Importance of an In-Tune Tuba Player in Iowa City IA
The Importance of an In-Tune Tuba Player in Iowa City IA You may or may not have attended a concert in Iowa City IA lately. One thing I’ve learned over the last few years is this. Your brain and nervous system are the conductors that orchestrate the workings of your entire body. 100%! That means…
“Stress” Mother Nature’s Equalizer Recently, the local Cargill office had me in to do a couple of presentations to their employees about stress and how to cope with it. So, while the topic is fresh in my mind, I thought I would write a blog on the topic.Here’s the definition of stress: 1. pressure or…
iPosture Warning
iPosture Warning – Bowman Chiropractic Associates, PC of Iowa City Play Video
Stepping On Toes
Stepping On Toes I know this is a hot button topic for some. And just by bringing it up I am surely going to step on some toes. That’s okay. Because this is something people need to think about.Just yesterday I was having a conversation with a patient about their cholesterol levels. They brought it…
There is NO CURE
There is NO CURE What do I mean by that short statement? READ THIS! What I just stated may come as a surprise to you, but there are a lot of patients that don’t know that chiropractic — doesn’t cure anything. So, since that’s TRUE, let me ask you a question. How do you explain…